Have To – Quiz

Complete the sentences below to test your knowledge of the phrase have to.

  1. I ___ get up very early every morning at six o’clock.
    a) have to
    b) has to
    c) have
  2. Imran and Raza ___ go to work every day.
    a) has to
    b) have
    c) have to
  3. We ___ study for our next grammar test.
    a) will have
    b) have to
    c) has to
  4. ___ your brother ___ go to a job interview tomorrow?
    a) Do / has to
    b) Is / have to
    c) Does / have to
  5. When ___ you ___ arrive at work every morning?
    a) do / have to
    b) are / have to
    c) do / has to
  6. You ___ attend the meeting if you are sick.
    a) not have to
    b) don’t have to
    c) doesn’t have to
  7. Do we really ___ wash all of those dishes in the kitchen?
    a) has to
    b) have to
    c) have
  8. Why __ Raghav have to ___ a phone call?
    a) does / making
    b) is / made
    c) does / make
  9. In England, people ___ on the left side of the road.
    a) have to drive
    b) has to drive
    c) has to drives
  10. I ___ take my car in to the garage to get it fixed.
    a) have
    b) has to
    c) have to
  11. Why ___ children ___ go to school? Why can’t they stay at home?
    a) does / have to
    b) do / have to
    c) are / have to
  12. What ___ you ___ do after our class finishes at three o’clock?
    a) do / has to
    b) are / have to
    c) do / have to
  13. My father ___ a tie at work, but he doesn’t like it.
    a) have to wear
    b) has to wear
    c) has to wearing
  14. I ___ a new car, so I don’t ___ take a bus to work anymore.
    a) have to / have
    b) have / have
    c) have / have to
  15. I ___ leave soon because I ___ an appointment to see my doctor.
    a) have to / have
    b) have to / have to
    c) have / have
  16. You ___ tell me your secret if you don’t want to.
    a) don’t have to
    b) not have to
    c) are not have to

Note for Mentors only: Please refer to the Answers in Learning Materials