Lesson 56:  Stress And How To Deal With It (Level 2+)

When you are stressed, your body releases many hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. Cortisol is the main stress hormone.These hormones increase your heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar.  They also suppressyour bodily systems, such as your digestiveand immune systems.

Here are a few ways to deal with stress. Firstly, remind yourself of how unimportant the stressful event is in the big scheme of things.

Laughing is also a great way to beat stress. Laughing stimulates circulation and helps to relax muscles, both of which reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress.

Interacting with animals and even watching cute animal videos lowers fear and anxiety by pumping oxytocin to your brain. Spending time with loved ones and being kind to others also stimulates oxytocin.

Meditation and even taking several deep breaths helps to keep stress under control. When you meditate mindfully, the goal is to exist in the present, without thinking about the past or worrying about the future.

Simply smiling helps to reduce stress. Scientists have found that smiling lowers the heart rate. Lower heart rates mean you’re less stressed.

Exercise reduces stress. When you go for a walk or a run in the park, your brain makes endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals that make you feel good.

Finally, here is another way to destress. Constant communication can stress us out. Scientific studies show that increased use of cell phones is linked to a decrease in family satisfaction. Disconnect from cell phones and electronic devices from time to time.

A) Vocabulary: Please make sentences with the following words. The sentences should show that you understand the meaning of the words.

Hormone – a chemical made by cells in the body which control and regulate many bodily processes including growth and reproduction.
Adrenaline – a hormone produced by the body when you are frightened, angry or excited. It makes the heart beat faster.
Cortisol – a hormone which is released by the body when you are under stress
Suppress – to hide or to stop something
Digestive system – a group of organs working together to convert food into energy.
Immune system – protects our body from infections.
Scheme – plan, arrangement
Stimulate – energize, encourage
Oxytocin – a ‘feel good’ hormone
Endorphin – Endorphins reduce your feeling of pain and also improve your mood.
Communication – the exchange of information by phone, letters, etc.

B) Discussion Points:

  1. What situations are stressful for you?
  2. How do youdeal with stress?
  3. Do you think it relieves stress if you laugh and smile more? How does it help?
  4. Did you read anything in this lesson which you did not know about?
  5. What are the ways that one can beat stress?
  6. What, for you, is the most effective method?
  7. Do you meditate? What are the different ways to meditate?
  8. Do you exercise regularly?
  9. Do you have a favourite sport?
  10. Do you sometimes disconnect your phone?
  11. Describe a stressful situation in 4-5 sentences.

Audio courtesy Tara Kriplani: