Agent Nouns

An agent noun is a noun denoting someone or something that performs the action of a verb. For example, “driver” is an agent noun formed from the verb “drive.”

run, drive, listen, swim, paint, bake, explore, blog, manage, garden, own, begin, teach, clean, attack,

Complete the sentences below. Use the suffix –er(or –r) with the words given above.

  1. I work in a bakery and I bake bread. I am a ____.
  2. Manisha really wants to be a ____ when she grows up. She lives to teach people.
  3. I’m not a great ___, but I like to run on weekends.
  4. David Livingstone was a famous British ____. He explored parts of Africa.
  5. My brother writes a blog about the computer industry. He is a ____.
  6. The windows in our house look dirty and need to be cleaned. Let’s call a ___ to come and wash them.
  7. I like growing flowers and vegetables in my garden. I want to learn how to be a good ___.
  8. Michael Phelps is a famous ____ who swam in the 2012 Olympic Games.
  9. I have just begun to study Urdu. I’m a ____.
  10. The Dutch ___ Vincent van Gogh painted many great works of art.
  11. Mrs Varma really knows how to manage a company well. She is a very efficient ____.
  12. I think we should tell the ____ to slow down. He is driving too fast.
  13. Does the blue car belong to Rajiv? Is he the ____?
  14. The police are looking for an ____ who attacked and robbed a man.
  15. We need someone who can listen patiently to other people’s problems. We are looking for a good ____.

Note for Mentors only: Please refer to the Answers in Learning Materials