Lesson 26: An Early Start to the Day

Nothing great was ever achieved by late risers.
Waking up early is one of the golden rules for a well-lived life.
There is a saying ‘the early bird catches the worm.’
This means: The bird that gets up earlier than the other birds is the one that
catches the juiciest worm. The worm is its food and is important for
its nourishment.

So, what is it that we want to catch, or achieve, or bring into our lives?
Do we wish for success—in our school or college, in our job, in our friendships,
and in any other aspect of our life?

Then let’s shift from just wishful thinking and see what is required to create a
successful life.

There are many ingredients to leading a successful life. The first is getting up

The mind is fresh and calm in the morning. Energy levels are high in the morning.
A lot can be achieved in those few extra hours in the morning.

So why don’t you try it?

Get up early. Make your bed. Exercise, go for a walk, do yoga. Breathe in the fresh
cool air. Listen to some soothing music. Enjoy the sound of birds singing.

Pray if you like. Have a bath and organize your clothes. Help around the
house. Have a relaxed, unhurried breakfast.

Study and finish your homework. Read the newspaper so you know what is
happening in the world.

Plan your activities for the new day. Make a list of the things you will do. There’s a lot
that you can achieve if you plan ahead without hurry or worry.

Do you want to feel good about yourself? Do you want to achieve greatness?

Start with the small things!

A) Vocabulary
Achieve – to gain something, like a goal you have set
Wishful thinking – something that you would like to happen, something that you wish for
Nourishment – the food necessary for growth and good health
Ingredient – one of the things that go into a mixture
Make your own sentences with the words or phrases given above. The sentences
should demonstrate that you understand the meaning of the words or phrases.

B) Discussion Points
1. Are you an early riser? Answer in full sentences.
2. In your home, who is an early riser?
3. If you were to wake up an hour earlier in the morning, what would you do?
4. Name two people who you think are great. What do you admire about them? What do you
think their lives are like? You can talk about a sportsperson, actor, singer, leader, writer, teacher,
mother, father, grandparent, or anyone else.
5. What do you think are the other ingredients necessary to achieve victory, success, or greatness?
6. Benjamin Franklin, a famous American scientist, inventor, and writer, wrote: ‘Early to bed and
early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.’ Do you agree?

Revised July 2020

Audio courtesy Tara Kriplani: