“I consider gulli danda the king of all sports.
Even now, whenever I see children playing gulli-danda, I have a great desire to join them.
You don’t need a lawn, a court, a net, or any other expensive equipment.
Just climb a tree, cut a branch, make a gulli, and even if there are only two of you, you can start playing.
As a child, I spent many happy hours playing this game.
Among my fellow players was a boy named Gaya.
He was a tall, thin fellow with the long, supple fingers of a monkey, and with a monkey’s nimbleness and uncertain temper.
Whatever the shape of the gulli, he would pounce on it the way a lizard pounces on an insect.”
A) Vocabulary: Please make your own sentences with the following words:
Lawn – an area of short, smooth grass.
Court – a space for certain games, like tennis.
Expensive Equipment – costly tools or machinery for a particular type of work or sport.
Supple – able to bend and stretch easily.
Nimble – quick and light in movement.
Pounce – to jump suddenly or attack.
Lizard – a small reptile that has a long body, four short legs, a long tail and thick skin.
B) Discussion points:
- What is your favourite sport?
- Do you get to play it in your neighbourhood?
- Describe the physical appearance of any two friends who play with you.
- Do you know anyone who likes to play gulli-danda?
- These are some sports that are not very popular in India:
a) Skiing. b) Scuba-diving. c) Surfing. d) Ice-hockey
Please research, and write a few lines about any two of them.
(Adapted from ‘Gulli-Danda’ by Premchand)
Audio courtesy Tara Kriplani: