I have a brief confession
that I would like to make.
If I don’t get it off my chest
I’m sure my heart will break.
I didn’t do my reading.
I watched TV instead—
while munching cookies, cakes, and chips
and cinnamon raisin bread.
I didn’t wash the dishes.
I didn’t clean the mess.
Now there are roaches eating crumbs—
a million, more or less.
I didn’t turn the TV off.
I didn’t shut the light.
Just think of all the energy
I wasted through the night.
I feel so very guilty.
I did a lousy job.
I hope my students don’t find out
that I am such a slob.
- Who has written the poem? Name the poet and mention his profession.
- What is he guilty of?
- You are a slob, if you…
- What does it mean to “get something off your chest?”
- Please look up the Internet and find out what ‘confident’ and ‘confidant’ mean?
- Do you know a confident person? Why do you describe him/her as confident?
- Do you have a confidant?
- Is it important to have someone to confide in? If so, why?
- Write a six line poem starting with the same first two lines as this poem. It can be longer if you like.
- After you have written the poem, please revise it. Make it the best poem ever!
Audio courtesy Tara Kriplani