Please send your mentee the following short paragraph. Please ask them to read it carefully and several times before the lesson. Please ask them to read it aloud to you. Correct pronunciation relentlessly!
The theme is Punctuality.
Here is the paragraph on punctuality:
Ask questions based on the paragraph– what was a mistake? What could she have done to avoid the mistake? Etc.
Substitute ‘hot’ with ‘cold’ or ‘freezing’ or ‘it was raining hard’ or ‘it was drizzling.’ Again, insist on complete sentences.
My friend’s parents had invited me to go to the swimming pool a few kilometres away. They told me to be at their house by 1.00 pm to ride with them. It was a 10 minute bike ride to my friend’s house, so I decided to leave at 12.50 pm to be on time. That was a mistake. My bike had a flat tyre and so I had to walk over, which took much longer. Her mother and the entire family were already in the car waiting for me. It was also very hot. Everyone was upset because I had kept them waiting. They were getting ready to leave without me. I felt ashamed of my unpunctuality.
Ask the mentee to substitute ‘swimming pool’ with ‘market’ ‘park’ etc. Have them make complete sentences.
For the written assignment they can substitute a few of the words in this paragraph. Perhaps it would be a good idea to get them to proceed slowly. So to begin with they substitute only 5 or 6 words. Examples: substitute ‘swimming pool.’ ‘ mother’ ‘upset’ etc.
You can introduce ‘she’ and ‘her’ and ‘he’ and ‘his.’