Many, Much, A Few, A Little – Quiz

Complete the sentences below to test your knowledge of count and non-count nouns.

Count nouns can be counted as one or more. For example, pen, computer, bottle, spoon, desk, cup, television, chair, shoe, finger, flower, camera, stick, balloon, book, table, comb. They take an “s” to form the plural.

Non-count nouns cannot be counted. They usually express a group or a type. For example, water, wood, ice, air, oxygen, English, Spanish, traffic, furniture, milk, wine, sugar, rice, meat, flour, soccer, sunshine. They generally have no plural form.

Many’ and ‘a few’ are used with count nouns.
Much’ and ‘a little’ are used with non-count nouns.

  1. How ___ apples are there in the bowl?
    a) many
    b) much
  2. I want to buy a new bicycle, but I only have __ money.
    a) a few
    b) a little
  3. There are ___ people waiting outside the cricket stadium.
    a) many
    b) much
  4. I have __ friends who live in other cities.
    a) many
    b) much
  5. How ___ sugar did you buy at the grocery shop?
    a) many
    b) much
  6. Do you usually drink ___ tea in the morning?
    a) many
    b) much
  7. There wasn’t ___ food in the kitchen, so I decided to go to my aunt’s house.
    a) many
    b) much
  8. I had lots of free time, so I read ___ books during the holiday.
    a) a few
    b) a little
  9. How __ time do we have before the test?
    a) many
    b) much
  10. I moved to this school last week, so I still don’t have __ friends.
    a) many
    b) much
  11. There is ___ bread on the table next to the jam.
    a) a few
    b) a little
  12. Are you hungry? There are ___ biscuits in the cupboard.
    a) a few
    b) a little
  13. Did you find out very ___ information about the college?
    a) many
    b) much
  14. There are ___ children playing outside in the garden.
    a) many
    b) much
  15. How many pets do you have, many or ___?
    a) a few
    b) a little
  16. I think we still have ___ time to study before the exam.
    a) a few
    b) a little

Note for Mentors only: Please refer to the Answers in Learning Materials